Gary Gordon (813) 838-6870
Tournament Director

Oil Patterns

Oil has perhaps the greatest influence on scoring in bowling today! Place too much oil on the lanes, and scores drop. Dry up the oil, and scores can go through the roof! As co-founder Hal Kee puts it, "Oil is the great equalizer!"  In the EBT, we have been studying oil patterns for some time now and have developed some of our very own patterns specifically designed for league bowlers. 

Pictured below are the 11 Elite Bowlers Tour proprietary patterns. The lengths of all our patterns range from 36-46 feet. Keep in mind that all EBT proprietary patterns are more difficult than a typical house pattern. This is because typical house shots are designed to be extremely easy and send the ball to the pocket regardless of the bowler's true skill or accuracy. Most bowlers even average 30-40 pins higher on them. For this reason, since typical house shots are designed to inflate a bowler's average and ego, in our opinion, they serve no real purpose in tournament competition and why they are not used in the Elite Bowlers Tour, Professional Bowlers Tour, State and National Bowling Tournaments, European Bowling Tour, World Tenpin Bowling Association, and others to name a few.

Consider when reading the overhead graphs, different factors play into how best to adjust to the patterns or how you might score.  Factors such as lane surface, lane topography, oil conditioner type, temperature, humidity, and other bowlers on your lane can vastly affect how an oil pattern plays.  Whether you are properly rested, properly trained and practiced, or just had a fight with your significant other can effect how quickly you can internalize and adjust yourself to what you're seeing. Therefore, bowlers must be ready and able to adjust to whatever style the lane dictates and be of clear mind when trying to bowl. As a good starting point, use the Rule of 31 (take the length of the pattern and subtract 31 to determine your approximate breakpoint board).  As always, every bowler and every bowling center is different! YOU as the bowler are ultimately responsible for YOUR game!

How To Read Oil Pattern Sheets by the USBC Bowling Academy:

How To Read Oil Pattern Sheets by the USBC Bowling Academy

Click this link for the YouTube video!

Elite Bowlers Tour Proprietary Oil Patterns

EBT PEGASUS 36' (Load Sheet) 27.00mL - #1   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  3.85(L)/3.45(R) to 1     Score Potential: Medium     Difficulty: Moderate     Shape: Asymmetrical

EBT Average: 172.55     Professional Average: 224.98    High Series: 802 Cristian Azcona     High Game: 290  Cristian Azcona

EBT MERCURY 37' (Load Sheet) 22.65mL - #2   CHALLENGE PATTERN

Ratio:  5.59 to 1     Score Potential: Medium High     Difficulty: Moderate    Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 191.02   Professional Avg: 225.00   High Series: 715 Mason Ward   High Game: 268 Danny Battles

EBT FREELOADER 38' (Load Sheet) 28.50mL - #3   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  2.17 to 1     Score Potential: Low     Difficulty: Hard     Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 164.90   Professional Average: 197.33     High Series: 731 Kevin Hoeppner     High Game: 288 Chris Polizzi

EBT VENUS 39' (Load Sheet) 24.95mL - #4   CHALLENGE PATTERN

Ratio:  4.13 to 1     Score Potential: Medium     Difficulty: Moderate     Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 195.26  Professional Average: 218.59  High Series: 793 Brandon Hott  High Game: 300 Karl Critchlow

EBT MILY WAY 40' (Load Sheet) 25.25mL - #5   CHALLENGE PATTERN

Ratio:  4.20 to 1     Score Potential: Medium High     Difficulty: Moderately Easy     Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 207.55  Professional Average: 206.37  High Series: 672 James Williams  High Game: 289 Cristian Azcona

EBT MARS 41' (Load Sheet) 26.75mL - #6   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  3.75 to 1     Score Potential: Medium     Difficulty: Moderate    Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 184.00    Professional Average: 226.07    High Series: 726 Chris Polizzi    High Game: 279 Chris Polizzi

EBT GOLD DIGGER 42' (Load Sheet) 27.85mL - #7   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  3.00 to 1     Score Potential: Low     Difficulty: Hard     Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 187.02     Professional Average: 222.57    High Series: 756 Jason Mahr     High Game: 290 Colin Champion

EBT JUPITER 43' (Load Sheet) 26.40mL - #8   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  2.38 to 1     Score Potential: Low to Medium     Difficulty: Hard     Shape: Asymmetrical

EBT Average: 174.09  Professional Average: 217.71  High Series: 718 Tony Biondi   High Game: 276 Allen Woodard

EBT ANDROMEDA 44' (Load Sheet) 26.60mL - #9   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  3.70 to 1     Score Potential: Medium-High     Difficulty: Moderately Easy     Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 205.33    Professional Average: 235.60     High Series: 816 Chris Polizzi     High Game: Multiple 300's (2)

EBT NEPTUNE 45' (Load Sheet) 28.95mL - #10   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  1.23 to 1     Score Potential: Low     Difficulty: Hard     Shape: Symmetrical

EBT Average: 162.98  Professional Average: 170.10  High Series: 761 Bailey Purcell   High Game: 266 Allen King

EBT PAN HANDLER 46' (Load Sheet) 27.55mL - #11   SPORT PATTERN

Ratio:  3.29 to 1     Score Potential: Medium-High     Difficulty: Moderate     Shape: Slightly Asymmetrical

EBT Average: 195.20     Professional Average: 225.50     High Series: 750 Chris Polizzi     High Game: Multiple 299's (2)